
Try to be better, Try to do your best. Try, just try. keep on trying, Try to be yourself. Try to stop. Try to breathe. Try to live. Try to stop trying. Have you ever been? OR have you just tried? Be better. Be the best you. Be, just be. Keep on being, Be yourself. … Continue reading 10.26.18

To Be At War Is To Be Human

We are all at war with ourselves. That is what it means to be human. The trick is figuring out how to be on the winning side. For so long I always went hard on myself. I will give myself high expectations and then beat myself up for doing anything less than or when people … Continue reading To Be At War Is To Be Human

What does Abraham’s Promise Has To Do With Us?

Reading: Romans 3 & 4 After reading chapter four I got really confused on the idea that we the Gentiles receive Abraham's blessings once we believe by faith. So I went ahead and dug around the bible trying to understand this but it still made no sense. The only thing that I had understood was … Continue reading What does Abraham’s Promise Has To Do With Us?

Do Not Put A Cap To Your Program

When people ask me what am  I doing with my life and what my end goal is, my answer changes. Some people get the honest answer others get a brief answer, not too much details just enough to stop the questions. There are those who gets my siblings goals and dreams or they simply get a … Continue reading Do Not Put A Cap To Your Program

No Just In Open Up.

Life has a way of getting to each person and the nice thing is we all have different ways of handling it. Some people let it out in a creative manner others might be violent. Some people might find it easy to talk it out while others like me just keep everything in. If you … Continue reading No Just In Open Up.

Get Out Your Room and Do Something

No one has their life put together or has the correct rules to live life. We learn as we take each step. We are given advice and warnings along the path of life but we never fully learn till you experience these things. There are some experiences I choose to not experience because I've been … Continue reading Get Out Your Room and Do Something

Silence Does Not Mean Something Is Wrong

Growing up there is so much I learn and experience that I just want to share with other people, mostly the younger kids. I had hoped some of these things someone had told me and maybe I would have still gone through those experiences but I will know how to handle it. There are some … Continue reading Silence Does Not Mean Something Is Wrong

You Have A Purpose

It's interesting how sometimes I feel like everyone I know has a purpose whereas I am just the odd one out. Purposeless. Nothing to give. Just there breathing and standing in people's way. "I'm just an empty box. No! I'm just nothing...a box is something and is useful. I am nothing." I said this two … Continue reading You Have A Purpose